"....you might be a Viking..."

"If bartenders keep asking you, "What's mead?" you might be a Viking.

If you rate your new cars in oarpower instead of horsepower, you mightbe aViking.

If a strange, very big read headed man shows up for dinner and eats you
outof house and home, you might be a Viking.

If you consider beer and herring a gourmet meal, you might be a Viking.

If you think that a Lutheran is nothing more than a quick source ofmoney,you might be a Viking.

If your new girlfriend is dismayed to find that you've given a personalnameto each one of your kitchen knives,
you might be a Viking.

If you think that attacking and looting smal towns is a good way to meet people, you might be a Viking.

If, after reciting your family lineage and history, you find that yourfriends all left two hours ago,
you might be a Viking.

If yo think that Helga, Gertruda and Snotra are really very prettynames for girls, you might be a Viking.

If the best thing you can say about France is that you left most of it standing, you might be a Viking.

If you've changed your name from Joe Schmit to Hralfnkel Niflgrimsson,youare probably a Viking.

If modern day pirace off the Florida coast sounds to you like a goodcareeropportunity....

If you think that Old Norse is an easy-to-learn, attractive and
user-friendly language, you might be a Viking.

If your idea of heavy spices are salt and pepper, you might be a Viking.

If you wave a spear over the visiting basketball team and offer their soulsto Odinn, you might be a Viking.

If you think that a trip to Iowa is an exotic adventure, you might be a very brave Viking.

If you finish you European vacation with more money than when you started,you might very well be a Viking.

If a strange, one-handed man shows up at your house, drinks all your beer,
pronounces sentence on your fundamentalist neighbor, points out all the legal inaccuracies
of the latest "NYPD Blues" and leaves a huge wolf chained to your new Ford Mustang, you might be a Viking

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(Thanks to Emk vitki Atrith Arisson)

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