Favorites Links / Links Favoritos
The Links with a Brazilian
Banner contains only text in Portuguese
Links with an asterisk means a very recomended one
As paginas com a Bandeira Brazileira cont�m textos em Português
Links com
um asterisco representam uma url muito recomendada.
�satr� And General Norse Links
Links Asatruar e de interesse nordico em geral
NYMAS - New York Metropolitan Asatru Society **
asa skald *
Hammerstead Kindred
Rune - NET **
Runes, Alphabet of Mistery *
(CB Sunny's Website)
Skadi Von Mittenkatzen's Window to the Web
(if you like kittens, you MUST visit!!!)
Wodanaz.com *
Grimner Runes
~The Valknut~
Boojum Hall
The web page of the Steward of Normanii Thiud
Charles Thegn
Gathering of the
The Bjorn - Gil Fellag
The Hearth
of Karl Donaldsson *
please leave your preconceptions at the door, and bring in your brain.
Glima - The Wrestling
of the Vikings
Not properly about religion, but about Viking Traditional Martial Arts
Frigga's Web - A Frithstead For All Heathen Folk
Harreskov Blotgilde
A local Danish Asatru Group
(website fortunatelly in english too) :o)
Woden Still
Norse Traditional Heathen Art
Language Resources
International Orgs
Internacionais de Ásatrú
USA Samfundnet �satr�
Forna Seden
�satr� Argentina Martillo de Thor / Alianza del Lobo
(Argentina Kindred)
Colectivo �satr�
Culte Reigbord
Asatru/Odinist Folkish group
promoting the renaissance of Lombard
tribal tradition. Sited in Langbard/Padania
- Assembly of the Elder Troth - AET
The Swedish Ásatrú Society
(Sveriges Asatrosamfund)
almost all of this site aren't even in english
but if ya understand swedish, pay a visit.
(links não Asatru)
Friends of the Swastika
This site have no racial Propaganda!
We declare the swastika to be innocent of the
perpetrated in its name under Nazi banners.
Five years of war cannot be allowed to wipe out five thousand
years of sacred history. We declare that the swastika has an independant life.
Page about Draoiseah (Druidism), The Old Ways
of our cousins, The Celts (Scealta Ards)
Beannachd agus Slainte'
Blessings & Healthy
Wicca Is Not Celtic v.3.2
an very interesting article to all those who
or think mistakenly that Wicca is the Celtic Old Ways
or any way related with the celts or Draoiseah
(druidism) culture and religion.
for those
who are really interested in REAL and HISTORIC
Pre-Christian Celtic Religious Traditionalism
The Hunger Site Give Food for Free to Hungry People in the World
-- Denuncias, Urgências
e Castrações
Se você é contra a tortura e assassinato
de animais,
por favor, visite este site!
*** Maltratar Animais É CRIME ***
Christianity History and Heritage
Jesus Puzzle
In Christianity
Truth About Jesus
Is Christianity Founded
Upon A Myth?
It God's Word?
Search Engines / Sites de Busca
-- Cade
-- Aonde
-- Radar
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If thou want to add a Banner, please email me with the
Html code included.
Se tu quiseres colocar um link aqui, por favor, me mande um Email
Se quiseres colocar um Banner, mande me junto o codigo Html
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Email Me
Email to Webmaster
Go�i Me�al Mikit St�r-Lj�n Oddhinsson
[email protected]
"Loddfafnir, escutai o meu conselho,
tu certamente se dara bem na vida se assim o seguir, Se de algum mal, tu vieres a estar ciênte, então PROCLAME (Denuncie) a todos como tal, e JAMAIS faça amizades ou tratados com o inimigo" Havamál- As Palavras do Altíssimo verso 122 |
"Um homem deve ser leal a vida toda,
para com seus amigos, e os amigos destes. Mas NUNCA e JAMAIS este homem devera fazer ofertas de amizade a seus inimigos." Havamál- As Palavras do Altíssimo verso 43 |
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