A Short History Of Ásatrú and Paganism

T’is text was written on the purpose to make popular certain
terms that is common in the academical study about the paganism.

What is paganism/ a pagan?

The words paganism and pagan come from the Latin "paganus,"
meaning "country dweller." This is a reference to the time
when the cult citizens of The Roman Empire was under
the conversion to the new religion, while the people in
countryside still followed the Old Ways. The term was
originally used by the urban roman citizens in a pejorative
meaning as “religion of peasant”. At the same time, this
ones, as the time passes, adopted heartfully the term with another
meaning that would be “someone who worship the nature forces”.
Therefore, as the kristjanism growed in size and political power,
they perverted the meaning to something like:
“Men without religion or without God”, as they would be the only one valid religion...
(in the hypothesis that they would be really valid to someone)
Neopagans hold a reverence for the Earth
and all its creatures, generally see all life as interconnected, and
tend to strive to attune one's self to the manifestation of this
belief as seen in the cycles of nature. Pagans are usually
polytheistic (believing in more than one god), and they usually
believe in immanance, or the concept of divinity residing in all
things. Many pagans, though polytheistic, see all things as being
part of one Great Mystery. The apparent contradiction of being both
polytheistic and monotheistic can be resolved by seeing the God/desses
as masks worn by the Great Mystery. Other pagans are simply
monotheistic or polytheistic.

  Paleo-paganism: the standard of paganism, a pagan culture which
has not been disrupted by "civilization" by another culture --
Australian Bushmen modern (who are probably becoming meso-pagans),
ancient Celtic religion (Druidism), the religions of the
pre-patriarchal cultures of Old Europe, Norse religion, pre-Columbian
Native American religions, etc.

Civilo-paganism: the religions of "civilized" communities which
evolved in Paleo-pagan cultures -- Classical Greco-Roman religion,
Egyptian religion, Middle-Eastern paganism, Aztec religion, etc.
Meso-paganism: a group, which may or may not still constitute a
separate culture, which has been influenced by a conquering culture,
but has been able to maintain an independence of religious practice --
many Native American nations, etc.

Syncreto-paganism: similar to meso-pagan, but having had to
submerge itself into the dominant culture, and adopt the external
practices and symbols of the other religion -- the various
Afro-diasporic traditions (Voudoun, Santeria, etc.), Culdee
Christianity, etc.

Neo-paganism: attempts of modern people to reconnect with nature,
using imagery and forms from other types of pagans, but adjusting them
to the needs of modern people.


Wicca -- in all its many forms
Asatru and other forms of Norse neopaganism
neo-Native American practices
the range of things labeled "Women's Spirituality"
the Sabaean Religious Order
Church of All Worlds
Radical Faeries and other "Men's Spirituality"
certain people within Thelema and hedonistic Satanism
some of Eco-feminism
and last, but not least, Paganism

Note: There is still some Norse Paleo pagan Stream that adopted the name
Asatru for the simply reason that this one becomes of public use, since it
means ‘trust in the Gods’ in Old Norse.
Then, when thou speak about Asatru, thou may be speaking about neopaganism,
Meso Paganism or Paleo-Paganism.
The Neo-Paganism on the list above must not be mistake with the historical
period with the same name when the Norse Ancient Religion was under the
historical time of the double-faith, when that one walked with linked arms
with kristjanism. This time, if the term Asatru can be used on this, maybe
can be classified as a meso-paganism time of the Norse Ancient Religion or

What were the Burning Times?

The Burning Times is the name used by many modern Witches and
pagans for the era of the Inquisition, and of the other witch hunts
(including Salem) which sprang from it. During that time, many
women and some men were persecuted for practices objectionable to the
Church, especially witchcraft. The _Malleus Maleficarum_ was a guide
on how to torture accused witches into confessing to whatever they
were accused of. At the height of the persecutions, entire towns were
left with only one or two women in them, and to this day no one knows
for sure how many people were brutally murdered during this craze.

As is often the case, this horror sprang from fear and
misinformation -- most of the people who were arrested, tortured and
killed were not Witches (or witches) of any sort, but simply people
who had gotten on the wrong side of someone who had the local
magistrate's ear, or who somehow didn't fit in (particularly beautiful
or ugly women, widows who had wealth or owned land, the handicapped
and retarded, and even overly intelligent people are all examples of
those who became primary targets of this persecution).

Although discrimination still exists against Witches and pagans,
we now enjoy comparative freedom of religious practice after those
dark times. But this time is considered a very important event by
most Witches and pagans (comparable to the atrocities and devastation
perpetrated during the Holocaust ), one that should never be
forgotten, and many do active public education work to assure as best
they can that it will NEVER happen again.

Deny of the Pagan ViewPoint

Shamanism: A magic-religious system, that, at the first sight, likes belong
to a very ancient time of history, when the superstition and the cruel
barbarism was rule. In fact, these concepts about our pagan past was imposed
to us by the conditionament. A insidious and sinister way of conditionament,
that is inherent to our educational system, that color the view of the out
world, that is showed to us in each morning, through the news in the journals
(newspaper) and in Television. A conditionament process that permeates the
technological and scientific knowledge and distort the truth about the humans
and habitat relationship.
Those spiritual anarchist, the shamans, was not conditioned by any human
force, that would manipulate their view of the reality. Instead of it, they
don’t be undergo or accept the Sir Isaac Newton Theories or the Descartes
Philosophy that understood the Universe, as a mechanical model, that was
build by a supreme creator , omnipotent, as a Swiss clock. Since Newton still
traditionally a scientific effort in order to separate the matter from the
spirit and it comes to the scratch of the absurd rationalism of the Victorian
age, when the spirit was denied and rejected.
The scientifical institution rejects the pagan viewpoint that the Earth is
a living being, that the entire life in the Universe is permeated by the
Creation Energy of the Life Force and that All Existence is a part of a mayor
Unity. The pagans knew and accepted the magic. Their belief in the essential
unity of life is illustrated in the quoting extracted from the works of
Basilius Valentinus, a middle age pagan philosopher

<<<The Earth is not a dead corpse, but it is inhabited by the spirit that
constitute its life and soul. All existent things drain their force from the
Earth spirit. This spirit is life, and is feed by the stars and feed the
living things that is shelter in her womb.>>>

This Words was very knew by the shamans and Runic Masters.
Until today this ones still being accepted by the surviving mages of the many
ethnic races, that tenaciously remain attached to the Old Traditions, even if
under the spiritual coercion that was did by the missionaries and by the
material induction by the multinational companies, whose objectives is
enlightening our fellows from the thirty world.


In many stages of humankind history, this central truth or was lost or was
misinterpreted. Our materialistic age constitute one of these Darkness Ages.
In the past, the priests was the guardians of the magical knowledge, knew
that the people hast lost some of the capacity of the life unity conception
(even if a few initiated people, as the shamans, still remain with such
knowledge). Due to it, they developed three levels of religious expression
and the humankind began to visualize the deity in three Level of
understanding that was:

- Supreme Creator Principle: Pure, SEXLESS, transcendental energy, sometimes
it was called simply Life Force.

- Creator Duality: The Life Force manifesting symbolically as Lord and
lady, representing the masculine and feminine aspects of the human psyche
also know as anima and animus, and/or the active and passive principles
of the universe. In Ásatrú, it is well represented in our myths as
the Fire element from Muspell and the Ice element from Niffleheim.

- Archetypes: From the Greek Archeos=Perfection and tipos=models.
Means in this case, perfect models culturaly expressed as
the Gods and Goddesses with their atributes representing the
individual awareness, souls or anima that is behind
the phenomena in nature as mitological deities
(that would be personifications of mysteries of nature or even urban
forces), Ethnic Heroes and Culture Masters.


The apogee of the Viktar (Rune Magick users or Runic Magicians) was occurred
in the Middle Ages, after the Romans left the Great Britain and this one was
under the invasion of the Vikings, Danish and Saxons.
Our modern viewpoint is that they art barbarian jerks, who sack and steal in
their way on England, under the most darken times of the British history. The
real Truth, as it usually happens with the modern relates about the pagan
people, is a little different. Throughout the historical research and
archaeological escavations it was recently discovered that the Vikings was a
cult and civilized people, that don’t deserve the bloodthirsty image gaven by
sensationalistic movies and novelettes. Their goldsmithery was one of the
best in artistical talent and creativity. Recent escavations in York shows
that the Vikings was merchants of the ancient world. It was up dinged long
lines of shops, where merchants of the entire continent comes to echange
merchandises (articles and goods) and to trade with woolen clothes, precious
metals and weapons. The Norse people occupied vast regions of the England and
left their marks in the subsistence of folk costumes, place names and even
ethnic characteristics of the inhabitants. They administrated that pieces of
land after the Norway conquest, basically due to a familiar challenge between
enemy pagan tribes, fighting for the England crown.
The Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian England, generally is viewed by the history
researchers as a barbarian country, corrupted. However, the Saxons was able
to perform excellent artistical works, between them we find the famous
Kingston brooch, discovered in Kent. Dated on the VII century, consisting in
a concentrically design, with a cross in salience decorated with disks and
bottoms, each one in salience too. In this was used gold, grenade, blue
videos and white marines shells.
T’is brooch is a true example of the Saxon artisanact and the proof of the
proclaimed lie for those ones who denominated the Scandinavian and Saxon
periods of the England history as Age of Darkness.
The True Age of Darkness was when the Kristjanism achieved its great apogee,
territorial and political, mainly while the dark time of the “holly”
Inquisition! By historical and actual facts, we can conclude that the
kristjan church, beyond the dogmatism, it is against the FreeThinkers.
Without speaking about the great prejudices caused by it in the technological
and medical development of science.


In our study of the magical runes, we must remember too that the transition
of the Old Pagan Religion practice and the conversion to the kristjanism was
been for a more long than the ortodoxes history researchers make us believe.
Certainly it was not enough to wave a magick wand for everybody turn into
kristjans from the night to day as it is suggested in many history books.
Although the aristocracy may be convinced for the political power offered by
the new religion, the peasants that was the true pagans – refused to accept
the teachings come from the Orient, tenaciously attaching to their old
Perceiving this, the christens priests adapted that to their religious
beliefs and efficiently annulled for absorption. The Pope Gregory written to
one of his British missionaries this next words, explaining how the Old
Religion could be destroyed from inside to outside for their disciples:

<<<The popular idols, without exception, must be destroyed, but not the
temples. That ones must be asperged (sprinkled) with holy water, the altars
of Christ built and the relics deposited inside. Therefore, if that pagan
temples was well built, they must be purified of the daemons worship and
dedicated to the mayor service of God. In that way, the people, seeing that
their temple is not destroyed, can abandon the sin and aflix more readily to
the customary places, where they could come to know and worship The True

This propaganda influenced even the pagan galdR magick (rune magick)user.
Some happily accepted Jesus, as a another aspect of Odin. After all, the new
god was hold in a tree too and ritualistically died for the sins of his
tribe. This eternal reason was understood by every pagan peoples, that knew
the sacrifice of the divine king, who died to fertilize the earth with his
blood. Therefore, they don’t hesitated too in accept the mother of the divine
Jew king, Miriam, as another aspect of the Great Goddess.

Double Faith --- Neo-Paganism

While the Double Faith period, in the end of XI century and after in the
XII century, the runes turn to be a mystical alphabet used to describe the
life of Jesus and his disciples. A classical example is the Ruthwel Cross,
found in a church cemetery, in Dumfries, with runic inscriptions that tell
the history of the crucification, between pagan symbols, as birds, another
animals and sylvestry flowers. Also is included scenes of the Birth, the
fleeing of Joseph and Myriam to Egypt, the cure of a blind man by the
Nazarene and Myriam of Magdala washing his feets.
On the coffin made to the Saint Cuthbert (a lady), in 698 CE, runes and roman
characters was used side by side. In runes cases, it’s was used specially to
the name of Jesus and the four apostles: Matheus, Marcus, Lucas and John.
This shows the subsistence of the pre-kristjan pratice of the runes uses to
the sacred name of Gods. The runes also was found in inscriptions made in the
grave of a kristjan saint of the VII century, it shows that its magical power
don’t diminished with the arriving of the new religion.
The kristjan prays, frequently used pagan spells changing only the name of
the ancient pagan deities to those of the saints and apostles.
The folklorist Alexander Carmichael (1832-1912 CE) collected in his entire
life, Gaelic prays that still being used in the Scotland highlands and in the
Hebrides Islands. Some of them constitutes pagan spells badly disguised to
obtain good harvests or for consecrating the seeds. As in the same way they
invoked Jesus and the saints, this prays was invoked too Saint Bride, that is
a kristjanized version of the Celtic goddess of the sacred fires and
sanctified springs, Bridget. Samples of such prays can be found in Carmichael
books ‘The Sun Dances (Floris Books, Edinburgh)'.
Such kristjanized formulas varied from disguised pagan spells into a
apparently kristjan pray to even kristjan authentic prays that still remain a
pagan or runic structure .

As the Examples follows:
From this verses of Havamál:

"Wounded I hung on a wind-swept gallows
For nine long nights,
Pierced by a spear, pledged to Odhinn,
Offered, myself to myself
The wisest know not from whence spring
The roots of that ancient rood

They gave me no bread,
They gave me no mead,
I looked down;with a loud cry
I took up runes;from that tree I fell.

I aquired happiness and wisdom too.
I aged and enjoyed in my growing.
From a word to another
I was guided to a word,
from a deed to another deed."

comes a resumed and kristjanized version of this poem that survive too in a
old Anglo-Saxon spell that evolve the harvest of nine herbs.

"Thyme and Anise, that is a pair of great power.
The wise Lord, sacred in heaven,
created this herbs when holded in the cross
and put them in the nine worlds
to help all, both rich and poor."

On the first sight, the term “wise Lord” and the phrase “holded in the
cross” may be resemble direct references to Jesus of Nazareth. In troth,
however, the reference to the “nine worlds” shows its true meaning, since
that it is about the nine heavens or existence planes recognized by the
Scandinavian. The “wise lord” is in reality Odin, who was hold in the Cosmic
World Tree (Yigdrasil) for acquire the secret wisdom of runes. We knew, for
the lore of that time, that the rites of odinist worship was implicit in the
act of being held in a tree. As it hast said before, the formula varied from
disguised pagan enchantments into a apparently kristjan pray to even
authentic kristjan prays that still remain a pagan or runic structure.

The following example is about the second alternative mentioned:


"I saw a strange in yesterday afternoon
I put food in the feed place,
Drink in the drinking place,
Music in the listening place;
And by the sacred name of the Tri-une
He blessed my home, and me
My sheep and my beloved relatives.
And hast said in his chant to the lark:
It is common, is common, is common,
To see the Christ disguised as a stranger:
It is common, is common is common,
To see the Christ disguised as a stranger."
- Translated from Gaelic

One of the most famous cases of that kind of a Pray to the Lord, written in
runes, was used by the pagan Saxons as a war talisman.
Until XI century (when the history researchers wanted us to believe that the
Kristjanism was the omnipotent religion of the Western Europe and the
paganism, a forgotten superstition), a certain Abbot Aelfric was forced to
condemn "outh drycraft oe runstafum" or the use of magic throughout the
Before it, while the VIII and IX centuries, some countryside cemeteries hast
gravestones written with runic prays to the dead.
One of the most astonishing samples of the fusion between the paganism and
the kristjanism was the famous Franks jewel-case, dated on that time of
It received that name after Sir Augustus Franks gave it as a gift to the
British Museum, in 1867. The box shows scenes of the pagan Saxon religion
within biblical scenes and both described by the magical alphabet know as
runes. On the main side of the box, in the left side, there is a picture of
the Saxon god Wayland in his smithy – folkly believed that it is a Neolithic
grave, near the fortress of Uffington, in Berkshire – with the anvil, the
hammer and the bellows. Holding with his tongs a human head, whose skull
would be changed into a chalice. The headless corpse rest on the anvil of the
god. Two women, who art watching the scene, is near and, outside, a boy
(probably is Egil, brother of the god) is pursuing gooses.
On the right side, we can see the three Mage kings, with their gifts, kneeled
in front of the Virgin Myrian and her recently born baby. In Upside shines
the Belen star. Each one of the pictures have runic characters around it
disposed as a circle, that explain them.


It is probably that the runic secrets hast survived due to some Anglo-
Saxons physicians, who practiced healism. It evolved the use of a lot of
magical talismans, medicinal herbs and enchantments, that combined kristjan
and pagan prays. The cure spell gave bellow is a sample of it.

Our Lord Woden rade,
his foal''s foot slade
down he lighted
his foal's foot righted,
bone to bone, flesh to flesh,
heal in the name of
Woden, BaldR and Freyja.
BaldR and Woden
fared to the wood,
there was to BaldR's foal
his foot wrenched,
then charmed Woden
as well he knew how,
as for bone wrench,
so for limb wrench,
bone to bone,
limb to limb
as if they were glued.

The next Scandinavian-Saxon spell, is another sample of GaldR Magick (Rune
Magick) used to cure burn flesh. In this spell is mentioned the Norns and the
mainly Gods of Norse Pantheon.

Three ladies came out of the east,
with snow, frost and fire,
out fire - in frost,
in the names of Woden, Thor and Loki.

This fusion of pagan beliefs shows the struggle in the Anglo-Saxon England
between rival fidels. It was a battle of minds, souls and hearts, that leave
from the countryside huts to the kings's palaces, who claimed Woden
descendance. Such struggle finished in a bloody way, since a little time
after, the church achieved political power and suppressed the “heretics” from
her quarters and expulsed from her kingdoms those miscreants who choused a
different spiritual life.
The Funny thing is the fact that to be considered a heretic of a religion,
one must belong to that religion first at all. But the kristjanism, in its
absolute arrogance, simply considered the entire humankind to be christens as
default, who art at service of their god who thinks to be unique.
A heretic is a member of a religion who distort its teachings for a end or
meaning completely in opposition of the ideals of those who founded the same
one. A apostate is someone who leave a religion to another. Both is
considered crimes in according to the kristjan thought that is notably
against the Freedom of Thought.
The mentioned pagans in this little portion of history don’t could be accused
of these two “crimes” since they don’t even was kristjans, and those who was,
just become for fraud and subversion elaborated by those kristjan leaders of
that time.

Apostasy, a.pos’ta.sê, n. pl. a.pos.ta.sies. [M.E. <L.L. < Gr. apostasia, a
revolt, a defection <apo-,from, and root sta, to stant.] An abandonment of
what one has professed; a total desertion or departure from one’s faith,
princples or party.

Apostate, a.pos’tit, n. One who has forsaken his faith, principles, or party.
-a. False, traitorous.

heretic, herí.tik, n. [O.Fr. hereticque (Fr. hérétique) <L.L. haereticus <
Gr. hairetikos, able to choose, heretical, <hairein, take.] Theol. one who
holds religious opinions contrary to the doctrines of his church. A dissenter
from accepted beliefs or dogma of any kind. – her’i.tik, he.ret’ik, a. Also
he.ret.i.cal.-he.ret.i.cal.ly, adv.


In the end of XIV century, it began the Witches Hunt time.
It is calculated that, in the next 400 years, circa of nine millions of men,
women and childrens died to satisfy the crazy vengeance of the Church against
the pagans. Much innocents died holded or burned. (this is the famous
Kristjan “Love”) In front of such terrible tortures (eyes extracting, Thumbs
tortions, torture wheels), much people preferred a false confession and,
then, a fast death than a long agony of the inquisition.
The entire process results was the condemnation of the runes as a black-
magick symbol. In the end of the Middle Ages, the runic knowledge was
entirely forgotten in Europe and most of the world. The word “rune” hast its
meaning degenerated to any word of magical symbol used in enchantments.
It was only after the end of XIX century that the runes reappeared in the
public awareness, due to the researches made by Germanic occultists, who
tried to revive the Teutonic and Scandinavian paganism.
But in Iceland, the history relates that the elders of Iceland made a fateful
decision. Under political pressure from Christian Europe (that was based on
economical block and threats of genocide wars guided by the kristjan king
“Saint” Olaf, the fat), and faced with the need for trade, the Allthing
declared Iceland to be an officially Christian country. Within a few short
centuries the last remnants of Nordic Paganism, which once stretched through
all of Northern Europe were thought dead. However, Iceland was a tolerant
country and the myths stories, and legends of Pagan times were left unburnt
to kindle the fires of belief in later generations. Under pressure from the
famous poet, Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson, Iceland once again recognized Nordic
Paganism as a legitimate and legal religion. A restoration of our ancient
faith is likewise in full bloom in America. This ancient Pagan religion was
known as Asatru, an old Norse word which means Troth (loyalty) to the Gods,
and modern Asatru is nothing less than the complete revival of the ancient
Norse Pagan religion.


The years is based on the C.E. Calendar
(Common Era, or Kristjan Tyranny Era, Era Vulgatti
Also could be called as AD Anno Domini)

35000-8000 B.C.E.

Ancient Stone-Age

Great Mother Goddess (Earth) Worship, Shamanism, Vanir Worship

8000-5000 B.C.E.

New Stone-Age

Fertility Worship related with Gods and Goddesses. Ancestors Worship. Magic destined to help the hunting.
5000-2000 B.C.E.

Primitive Copper - Age

First registered writings. Fertility worships related with the adoration of the Lord and the Lady as sexual partners. Stone Circles and another
megalitical monuments.

2000-1000 B.C.E.

Latter Copper - Age

Stonehenge Building. Solar worship in sentrentional Europe; votive offerings in peat marshes.

1000-500 B.C.E.

Primitive Iron-Age

Ascension of the Celts and firsts Norse civilizations with the worship of divined heroes and fertility Gods and Goddesses.

500 A,C, 100 C.E.

Latter Iron - Age

Use of the rune alphabet. Human sacrifices in scandinavian peat marshes. Odinism emergency.

100-500 C.E.

Roman Age

The Western Europe occupation by Rome. Adoration of the Norway and Germanic Gods. Surge the kristjanism.

500-1000 C.E

High Middle Age

Ascension of the Saxon and Viking cultures. Double Faith time, with the
paganism and kristjanism in conflict.

1000-1500 C.E.

Low Middle Age

Paganism Suppression


Octavio Augusto Okimoto Alves de Carvalho
Godhi Meðal Mikit Stór-Ljón Oddhinsson


The Magic of The Runes
by Michael Howard
The Aquarian Press

The Book of Runes
Ralph Blum

The Wisdom of The Runes
Michael Howard
Random Century Group Ltd.

An introduction to Asatru ***
The Raven Kindred Assc.
11160 Veirs Mill Rd L15-175 Wheaton, MD 20902
USA (301) 593-9316 - [email protected]

ALT.PAGAN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ***
Susan Harwood Kaczmarczik; Br'an Arthur Davis-Howe;
T. O. Radzykewycz; Ailsa N.T. Murphy; Cecilia Henningsson
Archive-name: paganism-faq
Last-modified: Oct 1994
Version: 2.1

Encyclopedic DICTIONARY
of the English Language
by: Noah Webster
Copyright (c) 1974 – The English Language Institute of America, Inc.

"While we do not believe any religion is for everyone, the Asatru welcome
anyone to our faith who is sincerely interested in pursuing the old ways.
- The Raven Kindred Association -

The term “Abrahamic Religions” is a academic accepted term to be used instead
of the popular term “Judaic-Christian religions” because this one doesn’t
exclude the Muslims.


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